(  I   THINK  )

Welcome to my (Pauly's) PUNK/ART page !  This page basically shows you, the viewer, what I'm interested in, and you probably don't care ....but hey! It's a good chance to learn something new!
I play guitar(mostly punk stuff) and I listen to punk music IE: what you'll eventually see . I am a student at OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) taking Graphic Design. The Art stuff is basically what I was influenced by when I was younger . The art may not be old but the artists are. Right now I'm still wondering if I want to become an illustrator or a Graphic Designer .......either way I'll make money so....
I hope you enjoy my site and feel free to steal stuff because that's all I do !
Oh ! And if it's taking a while for loading up ...go and grab some Oreos and have some milk !

Come in and take a look!!!